Sandy springs marta station
Sandy springs marta station


It was just awful and I never want to ride MARTA again. This was and I’ll quote a gentleman from the train «How horror movies start out». This was not the fun adventure I had in mind when I said I wanna ride Marta to the game. We finally get to the Sandy Springs station and I am relieved!!! I was so happy to see my car I could’ve kissed it, but I refrained from doing so.

sandy springs marta station sandy springs marta station


So as I finally take a seat to wait in my confused state… A train comes through but it says its going to the airport? Huh… I’m really confused, so I ask a gentleman ummm is the train to Sandy Springs going to say something on it and he’s like yes, it’s usually not like this but they were only using 1 line outta that station (North and South bound trains on the same line… not SUPER confusing at all) So the train finally comes and it’s empty so that was finally a plus in the whole evening a place for me and my purse to sit. Soooo I’m waiting at the Lindberg station a train comes, people get off, yet we can’t get on… Everyone is standing around confused… I assume technical difficulties because the train left empty. And as my internet research told me I needed to take the Doraville goldline get off at the Lindberg station to get on the redline cuz after 9pm MARTA goes bat crap crazy and does stuff that confuses riders such as myself.

sandy springs marta station

We get to the station and by the time I make it to the platform… the train is already packed so I decided to wait on the next one.


I had to stand on the bus as it was full and standing on a bus is NOT fun. Braves lose, I leave and head to the shuttle to start this fun ride all over again. So after a few more stops, I finally made it to Underground Atlanta, walked through to the Braves shuttle, short bus ride later and I finally got to Turner Field around 6: 30ish. People were upset, they weren’t getting off the train, they were standing too close to the edge of the platform… Security was pissed and yelling… It was just bad!!! When the next train finally came it was packed!!! People started yelling again… and they packed into the train even more… I decided to wait and not follow the drones this time which paid off because the next train was a little bit less crowded. But as ignorant as I was to the ways or MARTA I didn’t find out that the trains had gone from being 6 cars to 4 cars until I was packed into the train like a sardine earlier today… When the train was late this should’ve been the warning bell going off in my head… But I was just heading to the Braves game I was in no hurry like the daily commuters and didn’t feel like paying 15 $ to park at turner field… When the train arrived about 30 minutes late (from the time I arrived at the station) due to an emergency or something of that nature, it was already full but like the rest of the drones I boarded the train only semi packed in… the next stop… SQUISH… everyone jammed into the train with their luggage and bags and I was crushed into a corner holding on for dear life texting my sister saying… I’m not going to make it… But it just continued to get even better… NOT… So the train that I’m sure was WAY over capacity was starting to have problems… the cars stuck in traffic on the highways we passed were moving faster than we were and that poor train huffed and puffed saying I think I can I think I can and when we got to the station (can’t remember which one) the announcer said that everyone had to get off the train due to technical difficulties… and the train said I think I… can’t… This was a nightmare. If the website had said you had to do the chicken dance before getting on the train… I would’ve done the chicken dance. I had to look up everything online to know where to pay, to get the breeze card early, what train to ride, what station to get off at… Everything. I’ve ridden MARTA a total of 3 times in 9 years… this being my 4 th and worse trip ever. Now by no means am I a seasoned MARTA rider.

sandy springs marta station

As this is the station that my trip from hell started from… so shall my review start from here.

Sandy springs marta station